Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pencil, pencil...

Michaelangelo, close to his death, apparently wrote to a note to one of his students. He said
"draw, Antonio, draw. Don't be lazy".

I've often not liked drawing, as I used to see it as a such a chore. But I've always loved doodling at the back of all my books, so I never left it completely. Recently, in order to improve myself, I started drawing more. I have this amazing book which teaches you how to draw and it's not teaching you how to draw. Drawing is about teaching how to see.
I've used my drawing to learn tonal studies for paintings, as Mr. Dan Ifon, notable painter, told me I needed to practise more (just like Antonio of yesteryears). I've actually run from drawing for the past few days, but will now return to it.

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